is part of the ZassCo, Inc network of companies dedicated to providing products and services to the Automotive Dealership world. With over 20 years experience in the automotive business our team is here to help increase your teams phone skills through live, positive training. Send us a request for a demo today. Our Team is made up of seasoned A+++ sales and service professionals. Many are still selling but all are top sales people who have mastered the phones and are able to train in a fun way.
At our job is to help get your staff on task with your phone process and keep them there. Unlike in house training sessions we will train your people every single day of the month while you are a subscriber. Our unique, upbeat approach will keep your folks on their toes. Send us a request for a demo today.
At it doe not matter where you are located. We are able to do this training anyplace on planet earth. As long as you have phones, we can train. Send us a request today for a demo and more information
Are you having issues with sales people not getting the right information on sales calls? Then NOW. Do your service advisors or BDC agents continue to make mistake or maybe are not up to snuff? Then NOW. NOW is the time to get started. Send us a request for more information!
How much did you spend last month to make your phones ring? We need not say more but... Face it you spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions to make your phones ring every year. How often do you listen to calls and bang your head against the wall? Let us help. We guarantee that your people will get better on the phones, get your customers in your CRM and better yet set more appointments. Send a request now for more information.
Simple, easy peasy...We charge a flat rate based on the package you sign up for. There is no contract, long term commitment, or anything that ties you down. You only pay when you need us. The best part is, we will provide you a free session today when you send your request in for more information. So what are you waiting for? You have ZERO to lose.
YES...If you would like to provide us with your phone script we will train based on that in order to keep your team on the same page. However you may want to take a look at ours to compare. Either way we will train how you want it done.
Pretty Simple really...
BAM! Put on top of all this is the customer logged in the CRM?
Let's face it, your dealership more than likely only stays in business because of the service drive. Yet, it is the most ignored place on the dirt. Your advisors and BDC people talk to more paying customers in a day than a sales person will in an entire month.
Our goal with the service phone training is to help your people get better at getting not only updated information but to also assist in providing them with simple ways to up sell prior to the customer coming in. Cleaning up data is vital to the success of getting surveys back in as well as marketing for retention purposes.
You just pick it. If you would like us to do 1 session, or a month of training that is great. If after the month you want to watch results, great! We're done. But if after a few months you have a bunch of new people you want to train, we can kick it back in for you. Look at our menu for more pricing information or call for a custom package to be built.
After each and every session you will get an email with the A+++ players thoughts as well as a report card for that particular session and the recording of the session. This way you can sit with your sales person and go over the call, or use it for training of other people.
Yes...if you would like us to come in and do training we are happy to, however why really do that? Your team is busy selling and servicing metal. This is a fast and highly interactive way to train and highly effective.
Just want to take us for a fast spin
One of our A++ veteran sales professionals will call your dealership, and let the fun begin. Your sales person will get a first class training session. You will get a copy of the recording and a grading sheet so you can go over the session with your sales professional.
*ORDER THIS TODAY and we'll provide it at no charge if ordered before 10/30/2017
A sampler for TWO. Two departments that is. Our A++ Team will call your service department (2 Sessions) as well as sales department (2 Sessions). Provide the person answering the call with a wonderful training session and then provide you with the recordings and grade sheets.
Now that you have had your appetizer let's move on to the Main Course. Of course you can skip the appetizer and just jump in with everything if you would like. Should you choose an appetizer before the main course we will credit you for the price you paid for the appetizer :-) We're nice that way.
Smoked for over 18 hours, this half rack will leave your ears in a state of joy for weeks to come. Our A++ Team will make 15 phone calls to your dealership for sales/service over a period of 15 days. You don't want to take the whole thing in a day. The Beauty of this rack is repetition and keeping them guessing of when the next one is coming.
Oh Yes... you made a wise choice...Goes best with a fine red wine and some cheese and crackers. You'll need them while you sit back and listen to your team get better and better over the next 30 days. When your owner comes to you and say's "what the hell did you do, our numbers are on fire" and can simply say...I took the full rack boss, I took the full rack.
All packages are paid by credit card ONLY and are pre-paid
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